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Eastside Primetimers Foundation

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Charity Governance

Charity Governance

Charity Merger & Partnership Consultancy Services

Charity Merger & Partnership Consultancy Services

Charity Income Generation & Fundraising

Charity Income Generation & Fundraising

Social Investment

Social Investment

Charity Impact Measurement & Evaluation Reports

Charity Impact Measurement & Evaluation Reports

Culture & Workforce

Culture & Workforce

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Consultancy Services


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Interim Management

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Board Recruitment

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Executive Search



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Consultancy Services for Charities and Not-for-Profits

Whatever your needs, find out more about how our charity and not-for-profit consultancy services can assist you in building your sustainability and impact.
Eastside People Consultancy Services Governance High Res


Governance reviews, assessing board performance against good practice, developing action plans for improvements, support on culture and building strong working relationships at leadership level, skills audits and a Trustee recruitment service.
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Impact Measurement & Evaluations

In an age of increased scrutiny and tightening budgets, good measurement is a critical success factor for any charity or not-for-profit organisation and that needs leadership, vision and clear communication.
Eastside People Consultancy Services Income Generation & Fundraising High Res

Income Generation

Helping social sector organisations with income generation & fundraising, charitable grant applications and charity fundraising. This can mean growing trading income with a new enterprise, securing contracts or grants, or developing a fundraising strategy.
Eastside People Consultancy Services Partnerships & Mergers High Res

Mergers & Partnerships

Professional advice, support and thought leadership around charity and not-for-profit strategic partnerships and mergers, which we believe can be crucial to effective and sustainable delivery of your services.
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Social Investment

Helping you to unlock grants and loans that can grow through social investment, whether it’s money for a new project, refurbishing an existing building or growing an existing service.
Eastside People Consultancy Services Strategy High Res


A range of charity strategy and business planning services that are adapted to your needs, your organisation model, how long your organisation has been operating and your external environment.
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Culture and Workforce

People drive performance and actively managing your charity or not-for-profit organisational culture is the best way to unlock their full potential.
Eastside People Consultancy Services Digital High Res


High quality digital services for charities which weave seamlessly into other areas so that you can modernise, adapt to change and build a future-proofed and sustainable digital infrastructure.

Get in Touch

Contact us to find out how our team of charity, social enterprise & not-for-profit consultants and recruiters can help your organisation.

Call, send an email or complete our simple contact form.

Phone: +44 (0) 203 821 6174
Email: [email protected]