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Impact Measurement & Evaluation Reports

Do you need to improve how you report to stakeholders, evidence, evaluate and manage your impact for your beneficiaries?
Eastside People Illustration Impact Measurement High Res

Why Eastside People?

Eastside People understand that impact measurement and evaluations are much more than reporting requirements.

They are vital learning opportunities which can support new systems and processes, and build more effective organisations.

In an age of increased scrutiny and tightening budgets, good measurement is a critical success factor that needs leadership, vision and clear communication.

 What can EP help you with?

With a wealth of experience we are here to help you at any stage of your impact measurement and evaluation journeys. We can help you to:

  • Develop a Theory of Change and prioritise what to measure
  • Design and implement a social impact measurement and reporting framework
  • Better use financial information and finance skills in data interpretation to drive performance improvement
  • Manage the changes involved in embedding effective use of data
  • Advise on technology solutions to improve data capture and reporting
  • Produce evaluation and/or impact reports
  • Tell your “social value” story
  • Build internal capacity to manage, carry out and learn from impact and evaluation reporting.

What we are proud of

We have built our expertise by supporting many different organisations either as approved providers for funders (e.g. Access Impact Management Programme) or directly advising charities and social enterprises.

We bring a range of tools and techniques, both quantitative and qualitative, and will choose the best approach for each setting, working hard to ensure that impact and evaluation reporting leads to organisational changes in the long run.

In an age of increased scrutiny and tightening budgets, good measurement is a critical success factor that needs leadership, vision and clear communication.

Jo Simpson, Senior Fund Development Manager

What Our Clients Say

We ask all our clients for feedback, find out what they have to say.

Get in Touch

Contact us to find out how our team of charity, social enterprise & not-for-profit consultants and recruiters can help your organisation.

Call, send an email or complete our simple contact form.

Phone: +44 (0) 203 821 6174
Email: [email protected]