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Claire Clottey Eastside People Member consultant charity consultant

Claire Clottey-McDougald

I am an experienced Communications and Stakeholder Partnerships Consultant, providing leadership support with diversity, equity, inclusion and communication strategies across the charitable and statutory sector.

I am professional yet personable and enjoy supporting matrix management structures. I often function as the eyes and ears of an organisation using my journalism skills and impact measurement experience to conduct research, using a variety of mediums and producing feedback in both tradition formats and in a range of create multimedia methods that convey clear messages and are accessible to grassroots audiences as well as senior strategic leaders and governing bodies.

Leading external and internal communications, I am passionate about establishing corporate social responsibility partnerships, executing exceptional campaigns, events and sharing best practice through creative communications mediums to beneficiaries, employees, funders and both national and international audiences.

Key Projects:

Serious Incident Response – Post Incident Review, large national charity

Working in partnership with another EP consultant I researched, reviewed and provided recommendations for improving the organisational leadership and governance for the charity following a serious internal and external race related complaint.

Social media strategy, community business through Power to Change funding

I delivered a social media strategy and a social media crisis management strategy for a local community business following a negative local community response to the charities proposed plans for developing an asset in their town. I also provided 1-2-1 leadership coaching support over 12 months.

Building capacity and sustainability, social enterprises through Clinks funding

I supported a small number of Black led community enterprises build their capacity and develop strategies for sustainability so that they could become stronger members and access funding through Clinks which supports, promotes and represents the voluntary sector working in the criminal justice system.


Get in Touch

Contact us to find out how our team of charity, social enterprise & not-for-profit consultants and recruiters can help your organisation.

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Phone: +44 (0) 203 821 6174
Email: [email protected]