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Eastside People

Eastside People

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Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI)

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI)

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Eastside Primetimers Foundation

Eastside Primetimers Foundation

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Charity Governance

Charity Governance

Charity Merger & Partnership Consultancy Services

Charity Merger & Partnership Consultancy Services

Charity Income Generation & Fundraising

Charity Income Generation & Fundraising

Social Investment

Social Investment

Charity Impact Measurement & Evaluation Reports

Charity Impact Measurement & Evaluation Reports

Culture & Workforce

Culture & Workforce

Consultancy Services

Consultancy Services


Interim Management

Interim Management

Board Recruitment

Board Recruitment

Executive Search

Executive Search



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Our Culture

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About Eastside People Charity Consultancy & Recruitment

Eastside People provide consultancy, interim and recruitment services for charities and other not-for-profit organisations.

For two decades we have sought out highly experienced individuals who are passionate about using their skills and knowledge to bring about social change. Whatever your needs, we can help organisations develop their:

  • Charity strategy
  • Governance
  • Income generation and funding
  • Merger opportunities (including finding potential partnerships, due diligence, project management and structure)
  • Change, update and evaluate culture, workforce and leadership teams with Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) at its heart.
  • Educate, inform and manage the role of digital technologoes (including AI) into a charity strategic plan or project
  • Measure impact
  • Recruit the best board membersincluding chaies and trustees
  • Find the most experienced interimn managers
  • Hire people with the right qualifications, experience and passions for charity senior leadership teams.

Download the 2 page factsheet to find out more.

Get in Touch

Contact us to find out how our team of charity, social enterprise & not-for-profit consultants and recruiters can help your organisation.

Call, send an email or complete our simple contact form.

Phone: +44 (0) 203 821 6174
Email: [email protected]