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Helen Nott charity consultant

Helen Nott

I work with charities and not for profits to focus on their organisational goals, understand their audiences and develop strategies and plans to support sustainability and growth. I specialise in marketing, fundraising and communications working with a range of types of organisation but especially environmental, youth, health and social care and arts organisations.

I have a doctorate in ecology and postgraduate qualifications in direct marketing, market research and coaching; a circuitous route to consultancy via senior business insight and marketing roles in Mars and as a director at the Woodland Trust.

Key Projects:

Social enterprise development with Charity Link, a charity that provides goods and support for people in need.

I worked with the project director to develop a business plan to allow the board to make the decision to invest and which could have been used to raise investment if needed. This enterprise, The Goods Depot, has delivered its targets despite the impact of Covid and is expanding its offering and reach.


Sustainability support for a regional youth charity.

I worked with the CEO and the board to develop a new strategy to support their sustainability over the next 5 years. This strategy was then used as the foundation for a fundraising strategy and plan which included a business model for a social enterprise cafe and a model for a training enterprise to support additional staff posts.


Funding sustainability for an environment charity.

Exploring with the team how they could extend their fundraising especially focused on a particular site that had previously received restricted funds for its development. A range of options were explored and then a smaller number of ideas were developed in more detail into more comprehensive business plans with target audiences, revenue models, resource requirements and an initial project plan.

Get in Touch

Contact us to find out how our team of charity, social enterprise & not-for-profit consultants and recruiters can help your organisation.

Call, send an email or complete our simple contact form.

Phone: +44 (0) 203 821 6174
Email: [email protected]