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Simon Hinks Eastside People Member charity consultant

Simon Hinks


I have a background in data and direct marketing and for the last six years I have focused purely on data protection under GDPR. I have helped charities, schools and NFP businesses review their level of compliance with the regulation and build processes to ensure they meet the regulations. Specifically I can support: GDPR within the UK and the EU; Data Protection outside of the EU such as the US, Australia and Turkey; Provide training and subject knowledge to people/teams; Audit businesses; Provide DPO support; Policies; Data transfers overseas; Due diligence reviews of businesses; and liaising with the regulator.

I am also a guest lecturer at the University of Pittsburgh on how the US and the UK/GDPR differ for their business school students.

Key Skills/Consultancy Specialisms:

Key Projects:

Assessment of GDPR compliance and DPO support, Deaf Blind UK

I was bought in by the CEO to help them identify the gaps in their compliance with GDPR and to build into their business the protocols and risk checks to ensure they became compliant with the regulation. I also provided DPO support to them and trained all staff members in GDPR.

Assessment of GDPR compliance, Starlight Children’s Charity

Bought in by the CEO to understand their gaps in their data protection compliance and build a project plan of what was required to make them compliant. I was kept on to ensure the plan was delivered.

Assessment of GDPR compliance, Sparkenhill School

This school contained a number of young students under the watch of social services which meant that GDPR would have to treat these differently to the normal school group. They also used facial recognition software at the school entrance which required making compliant. I worked with the school, social services and parents over a six month period to ensure the school was compliant without losing any of the freedom the children enjoyed.


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