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CIWEM Chair Website Post (300 × 300px) Eastside People


This Vacancy is now closed. Click Here to see our current vacancies.

Charity: The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM)

Location: London

Role Type: Board

Work Type: Hybrid

Salary: Voluntary Role

Closing Date: 08 January 2023

Could you Chair the board of a charity at the forefront of tackling some of our greatest water and environmental challenges, on a global stage?

CIWEM is the leading royal chartered professional body and registered charity, dedicated to the sustainable management of the environment, globally. We have an integrated approach to environmental, social and cultural issues and work for the public benefit of a sustainable world.

Chair opportunity

As our sector rises to the challenges posed by the climate and nature emergencies, and Covid-19 recovery, our new strategy puts environmental professionals front and centre, recognising that the sector needs more people with the right skills to deliver high-quality solutions.

We are looking for a committed and motivated individual to help steer CIWEM through a time of exciting opportunity, challenge, development and growth.  We want our new Chair to be someone who feels highly motivated by the central value of our work and who is able to show leadership whilst working collaboratively and collegiately with the other Board members and the executive team.

The chosen candidate will have strong facilitation and excellent interpersonal skills and be willing to be an ambassador for CIWEM.

CIWEM’s Chair will drive a highly passionate Board of internationally renowned professionals and experts in their respective fields who care deeply about the issues our water environment faces. Board meetings are lively debates that not only ensures CIWEM is focussed on its priorities, but remains current and far reaching in its ambition.

If you are keen to volunteer your time to make an impact, bring a different view and be inspired by this incredible team at CIWEM, we want to hear from you!