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Association of Charitable Foundations (ACF) 5 Year Strategic Plan

Eastside People

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ACF’s 5 Year Strategic Plan will help Charitable Foundations and Independent Grant Makers Work Together for Social Good

Eastside People ACF Association of Charitable Foundations Case Study


  • Project: Strategy development, 5 year Strategic Plan
  • Project duration: 10 months
  • Number of Eastside People team members involved: 3 – project led by consultant Ruth Dwight with support from senior team member Rosie Chadwick; account manager Richard Litchfield.


Behind every great organisational strategy lies an enormous amount of research, consultation and thought. As the CEO of the Association of Charitable Foundations (ACF), Carol Mack, embarked upon developing a new strategy for 2023-27, she knew that the support of an external consultancy would be useful to carry out “a thorough and effective process”.

ACF is a membership organisation for foundations and independent grant makers across the UK. Its 440 members collectively hold assets of around £50bn and they give more than £2.5bn every year.

Out of all the consultants that expressed interest in supporting ACF, Eastside People stood out for their flexible outlook, ‘double diamond’ approach (which allows challenges to be defined and solutions refined) and focus on engaging stakeholders. “The other consultants had more of a cookie cutter approach,” says Carol. “I liked Eastside People’s style, which went down well with the board, and their emphasis on consultation which works well for us as a membership organisation.”

She adds: “We wanted a consultancy to come with a framework, and to challenge us to come up with new ideas.”

We wanted a consultancy to come with a framework, and to challenge us to come up with new ideas.

Carol Mack, CEO, ACF

Eastside-People-Website-Post-Association-of-Charitable-Foundations-ACF-case-Study-Carol-Mack-CEO-600-×-430px-aspect-ratio-600-400 people sat listening to presentation


The strategy development project ran from November 2021 until September 2022. It encompassed consulting with members, sector infrastructure bodies and other civil society organisations using different techniques. For example, during a month-long online conversation, a different question went live on ACF’s website every week and responses were invited. After each week concluded, Carol wrote a blog to share some of the feedback. Members were also invited to focus groups to share their thoughts on ACF’s emerging ambitions and goals.

ACF’s board was engaged throughout the process, including a special board away-day.

“Eastside People helped with the diversity of interactions we had,” says Carol. “These included internal meetings, staff away days, telephone interviews with members, member workshops and board meetings.”

She adds that, as an external consultancy, Eastside People brought a fresh pair of eyes, the ability to challenge, and a unique approach to facilitating conversations about questions such as the organisation’s strengths and weaknesses, or what role ACF should play for its members. “They have a repertoire of tools for this,” says Carol.

ACF also engaged another consultancy to focus specifically on diversity, equity and inclusion. “Eastside People were really keen to work alongside these consultants,” says Carol. “The interaction was seamless.”

Once all the ideas are gathered in a strategy review, finding a way forward can sometimes appear overwhelmingly difficult. As Eastside People’s Ruth Dwight puts it: “It’s messy in the middle.”

The role of a consultant at this stage is to draw on their experience to guide an organisation onwards. “The Eastside People team were reassuring about the challenges, for example, when there is no consensus about what all the data means or what the next steps will be,” says Carol.

“We can provide an objective viewpoint,” says Ruth, “and provide the confidence that we will get through it.”


In January 2023, ACF launched a concise, ten-page strategy to guide its work over the next five years. “Our members were telling us about the challenges they see, specifically around addressing inequalities, the cost-of-living crisis and the ongoing impact of the pandemic,” says Carol. “They also want to respond to the climate crisis, act more on diversity, equity and inclusion and work together on stronger grant-making and investment practice.”

ACF is committed to “strengthening trusts and foundations so they can rise to the challenges of our times”, she says, so the strategy “sets out ACF’s vision of diverse, vibrant and effective foundations working together for social good”.

Now ACF is working on an implementation plan for the strategy as well as a theory of change, with input from Eastside People. ACF is at a “point of acceleration”, says Carol. “It’s a shift in momentum.”

Read the Association of Charitable Foundations’ (ACF) Strategic Plan.

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