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Rachel Hicks charity consultant

Rachel Hicks


I began my marketing career in education and publishing, and spent a number of years leading on pupil recruitment and stakeholder communications in schools before working as a consultant supporting senior leaders and governors with strategy, engagement and recruitment projects. In 2020 I completed an MSc in Charity Marketing and took up the role of Head of Marketing and Communications for UK Community Foundations. I’m now building on my earlier consultancy experience, working with charities on strategy development, stakeholder engagement and compelling communications. I live and work in the beautiful city of York where I’m a trustee of two local charities and a school governor.

Key Skills/Consultancy Specialisms:

Key Projects:

Stakeholder research to inform strategic planning, large educational charity

Ran stakeholder focus groups with young people, parents and practitioners to guide strategic planning process. Led Trustee workshops to agree priorities and supported the production of long-term plan.

Awareness and perception research, Assessment and awarding body

Qualitative and quantitative research among client base to determine levels of awareness and satisfaction for current awards and appetite for new qualifications.

Marketing and communications review, educational charity

Audited all marketing materials and communications channels, reviewing appropriateness of messaging and devised strategies to engage new audiences.

Get in Touch

Contact us to find out how our team of charity, social enterprise & not-for-profit consultants and recruiters can help your organisation.

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Phone: +44 (0) 203 821 6174
Email: [email protected]