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How to recruit diverse trustees

Bernice Rook, Director of People: "Inclusion is about more than box-checking or PR, it enables the creative solutions, lived experience and internal challenge that come with diversity of thought."

This article by Bernice Rook, Eastside People’s Director of People was published by Charities Network in October 2023.

How do charities find the right mix of trustees, and enable them to have an impact?

  1. Plan properly and look widely
    • Be clear on what you need
    • Spread the net widely
    • Focus on potential rather than experience.
  2. Induction and Training
    • Help new trustees to familiarise themselves with your organisation
    • Help them to understand industry jargon
    • Be open and inclusive.
  3. New trustees must also play their part
    • Learn about the charity and the industry
    • Meet all key stakeholders.

Following these guidelines will help not-for-profit organisations to craft recruitment processes and foster cultures that will lead to greater board effectiveness and finally make diversity a reality.

Read the full article on the Charities Network Website.

About Charities Network:

Charities Network is a free monthly publication for charity leaders, covering key issues around leadership, growth, operations and finance. It is edited by Access Insurance and various specialists from across the sector share articles and case studies.

Focus on potential and don’t put up unnecessary barriers.

Bernice Rook, Director of People

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