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Three NEDs join Eastside People’s Board

Their extensive experience and knowledge will be key inputs to the evolution and development of our consultancy and recruitment services
Eastside People 3 Non Executiive Directors announcement banner Tor Docherty, New family Social, John Mark Williams, Institute of Leadership, Victoria Jones AtkinsRealis

Eastside People has a goal to join up our services, expand pockets of excellence, and create more synergies between our consultancy and recruitment arms. Our ambition is to be recognised much more visibly across the charity and social enterprise sector as the provider of choice.

We are therefore excited to announce that three new Non Executive Directors (NEDs) have joined our Board. Their extensive experience and knowledge will be key inputs to the evolution and development of the consultancy and recruitment services that we and our team of experienced professionals deliver to charities and social enterprises.

The role of NED involves providing an informed contribution to the company’s strategic direction based on an understanding of the wider environment. Our new NEDs are committed to our vision, values and aims and will be offering us support, challenging us and putting forward new perspectives.

Please join us in welcoming our NEDS:

  1. Tor Docherty: Chief Executive of New Family Social

Tor (she/they) has over 20 years’ of experience working in charities as a Chief Executive, and at a senior level, in diversity, equality and inclusion.

Tor’s interest in diversity, equality and inclusion includes expertise in LGBTQ+ issues, gender, sexual and relationship diversity, disability, Deafness and neurodiversity.

Tor is looking forward to working with Eastside People on Diversity and Inclusion and driving innovation which allows the charity sector to continue to drive accessibility and authenticity in the workplace.

“My experience of work with the LGBTQ+ community helps advise Eastside People on Diversity and Inclusion and innovation towards more workplace accessibility and authenticity.”

Tor Docherty Eastside People NED Non Executive Director and Chief Executive of New Family Social (the UK's LGBTQ+ adoption and fostering charity.

Read Tor’s full biography here.

  1. Victoria Jones: Global Vice President of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at AtkinsRéalis

With 25 years of cross-sector experience in internal audit, procurement, estates management, talent acquisition, HR, crisis management, and equality, diversity & inclusion, Victoria embodies a history of breaking barriers and consistently pushing boundaries.

Victoria’s leadership style hinges on visibility, trust, and inclusivity, fostering positive transformations within my specialized domains. Fuelled by a passion for “Inclusion by design,” she continuously challenges conventional thinking, offering learning moments and fostering reflection in others.

“I am excited to contribute to EP’s journey into its next inspiring chapter, fuelled by our collective commitment to #DoingGoodBetter.”

Victoria Jones Eastside People NED Non Executive Director and Global Vice President of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at AtkinsRéalis

Read Victoria’s full biography here.

  1. John Mark Williams: CEO, The Institute of Leadership

John helped set up a charity many years ago and has been a trustee of several charities since. He has seen at first hand the value of helping charity leaders to make the most of their capacity, and to maintain focus on their impact.

He finds the idea that we can – and should – open up opportunities for people despite disadvantage is hugely motivational and that helping to facilitate that by supporting development and performance of charity leaders is a fulfilling and rewarding cause.

“As a non-executive director at Eastside People, I want to offer knowledge, experience, ideas, and networks in support of those non-profit organisations who value the help that Eastside People brings.”

John Mark Williams Eastside People NED Non Executive Director and appointed CEO of The Institute of Leadership

Read John’s full biography here.

See the full Eastside People Board here.

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